петък, 10 април 2020 г.


Essential Meanings: 
Charm and charisma, shining and sparkling, being a brilliant beacon of confidence that inspires others

Every one of us is a being of light meant to shine and sparkle. Your light draws others to you, for we all seek the light. 

The message of Spessartine Garnet Spirit is to embrace your natural charm and magnetism. 
Do you think you’re not all that special? If so, that is only because you haven’t discovered your natural charisma and expressed it. The Conscious Universe wants you to let it shine out, for your dazzling brilliance will be a beacon for others as you walk the healing path toward discovering your destiny. You can attract those who will help you and those who will benefit from all that you have to share—your talents, your love, your joy. 
We are all so lucky to have you here on this planet right now. Feel your magnetism today. Express it. Shine your light in all your glory, inspiring others, and let yourself draw in whatever will help you on your journey.

Relationship Message: 
You are a unique being with a light only you can emit. Do you think you have to work harder to make people like you? 
What if your soulmate is out there, waiting for you to stop trying so hard and just be your glorious, amazing, brilliant self ? 
What if your soulmate is waiting for your beacon to send out the message “I am here and ready for a partner to shine with me!” 
Today is a good day to recognize all that is attractive in you and stop trying to hide it out of some sort of fear that others might not be comfortable seeing you in your full glory. Shine brightly today!

Prosperity Message: 
In ancient times, the sun was revered for its power, and today Spessartine Garnet Spirit brings the message that you are a powerful manifester of abundance, an extraordinary co-creator—but only if you let the real you shine. 
You are charismatic and dazzling, and when you accept that, opportunities show up, as do people willing to place their faith in you and invest in your ideas and projects. 
Abundance grows more abundance. 
Know that you can magnetically attract anything you need, from a small favor to a major contribution, for you inspire others to believe in you. Shine on!